Events and Programs
Fall Fundraiser
Buy and sell cookie dough and other treats and win prizes! This year we also have an awesome Boone travel mug available. Forms and catalogs will appear in Thursday folders.
Math Pentathalon
The Mathematics Pentathlon is a program of interactive problem-solving games, supportive curricular and instructional activities, and assessment tools for students in grades K-7. The PTA and Boone have established this program in conjunction with the Pentagon organization to bring this new and exciting after school club that challenges each player in a competition style board game setting. These board games challenge the player to creatively think of math problem solutions as well as strategies to win against an opponent. We are starting with the 4th and 5th grade students and will increase the grades as coaches come on board. In order for this program to be successful-we need parent volunteers.Fall Festival
A traditional Fall festival with fun and games. The kids are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes for a costume contest. We'll have game booths, food, and fun.Spring Carnival
The PTA holds its annual Spring Carnival fundraiser in April. There are tons of games, food, prizes, bouncy castles and other rides. We also hold a silent auction. Please contact Sherina Warstler for more information:
PTA Nights
Stay tuned for information on PTA nights.
Spirit Nights
Throughout the year there will be Spirit Nights at local eateries to raise money for our programs.
The Kids Philosophy Slam
The Kids Philosophy Slam is an annual program designed to make philosophy fun and accessible to all kids in grades K—12, as well as to help promote critical thinking skills and encourage dialogue with other students and adults. The Philosophy Slam asks kids to answer a philosophical question such as "What is the meaning of life?" Depending on their age, kids can express themselves in words, artwork, poetry or song. Each grade level has its own national winner. Winners will be posted on their website. The Kids Philosophy Slam question for 2013 is "Which is More Powerful, Love or Hate?" Check out Boone entries from previous years here.Yearbook
The Yearbook Staff invites students and parents to send photos for the yearbook. If you’ve got great photos of school and community events of your friends just having fun, we’d like to see them. Our photographers can’t be everywhere let us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.
A list of planned events and activities for the 2013-2014 year
The Boone PTA Executive Board had a productive summer planning activities and programs for the upcoming school year. Here are the planned services and programs provided by the PTA to Boone students, families and teachers for FREE in the 2013-2014 school year.
1. Welcome back our teachers
2. Beginning of year family picnic
3. Fall Festival activities and informational booths (games and food cost extra)
4. Veteran's Day breakfast, mama bear breakfast & papa Bbear breakfast
5. Fine Arts Night
6. Teacher Appreciation Week - event coordination and catered lunch
7. PTA meetings and educational speakers
8. Meet the author presentation in the library
9. Educational science presentation for all grade levels
10. PTA Bingo Nights (3)
11. School supply kits - Ordering and Delivering
12. After school tutoring for designated students
13. Instructional materials for teachers
14. Science Fair awards and entry fees
15. Spelling Bee awards and entrance fees
16. Field trip fees (entry fees for one field trip per grade)
17. Teacher reimbursements for classroom supplies
18. Funding for vegetable garden and entryway beautification
19. Supplies for our custodians
20. Major projects: Technology update for music room and additional playground equipment